Monday, 18 June 2018

week 8 goals

      Week 8 goals

  1. Read 4 chapters
  2. Help mum with lunch
  3. Finish my packing
  4. Finish my goals
  5. Let every one play my games
  6. Be a team player in p/a
  7. Help miss B


  1. Well done Anika for being setting yourself achievable goals.

    1. Thank you I try to make goals that are verey achievable.

  2. Konichiwa Anika, I am Amelia from Red Hill School. I really like your goals, you could add a little bit of color. How many goals have you acomplished so far?

  3. Malo e lelei my name is stephanie from Red Hill school I loved what you like to do I think you are realy amazing girl thank you for that Anika.


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.